If you operate under a ‘Doing Business As’ (DBA) name that differs from your registered business name, you’ll need to ensure it is registered and active. Among all the other governance processes that a business needs to oversee, a DBA renewal can be easily overlooked.
At Corporate Creations, we offer a comprehensive DBA renewal service, including filing the renewal form on your behalf, to ensure you never experience a business interruption from failing to renew.
By outsourcing your DBA renewal to Corporate Creations, you can remove an extra task from your workload, leaving yourself time more time to focus on other pieces of business. We will file renewals for you and ensure your DBA registration is always active.
Failure to renew your DBA can result in many problems. If you don’t renew your DBA, it essentially ceases to exist, meaning other businesses can claim the name for themselves. If this happens it could lead to serious issues including business disruption in which you cannot carry out work until the DBA has been reinstated.
When you partner with Corporate Creations, you’ll enjoy first-rate customer service that is constantly available. You’ll be able to speak to a real person whenever you need to and receive updates on your DBA renewals.
Corporate Creations has a proven track record of providing excellent corporate governance and compliance services to Fortune 1000 companies. By outsourcing your DBA renewals to us, you can ensure that your business continues to flourish.
We are a needy bunch and Corporate Creations is a great partner… Thank you both for your help and support. My mind is at ease.
No one’s better than Corporate Creations… Thank you – you guys saved the day. Great service!
Always grateful for the wonderful service you provide. You’re the best! What would we do without you…seriously!